Thursday 17 September 2009

Woe is me!

I'm not going to name any names but can you believe it????!!!
One of my friends told me I was fat and now Munker & Bunker have put me on a diet.
And all that because I happen to like toast and being spoilt by my nanny!!!

I can't see what all the fuss was about really, but why Corinne ever told them I was fat, I simply don't know. I'm not!!!

There I was quite happy to share breakfast every morning with Munks and Bunks (as I like to call them) and now that has all come to an end. I mean, have they ever tried to eat dog food? No! They haven't!
I bet you if they had to eat dry bits of.....:

Meat Meal
Chicken Meat Meal (min. 4% in Chicken Kibble)
Carrot (min 20% in Carrot Disc)
Beet Pulp
Peas (min. 4% in Pea Kibble)
Vitamins and Minerals
Added Citrus Yeast and Yucca (the name yucca is a a dead giveaway is you ask me)
and Antioxidant EC additive (Antioxidants!? Do I look like I am old enough to start rusting?)

....they too would hunker for a bit of toast with a spoonful of homemade Women's Institute marmalade like Bunks & Munks are having for breakfast lately!

I guess all I can do now is open up my bag of tricks to see if we can make feeding time a happy me time once more.

I'll keep you posted!
Lots of love 'n licks,

Dowager Duchess of Ingrave & Herongate

Friday 4 September 2009



As much as I love Munker & Bunker, all I really want for breakfast is TOAST! Why can't they understand that???

Charlotte, Dowager Duchess of Ingrave & Herongate

Wednesday 12 August 2009


My other nanny is coming to stay with us on Saturday! She lives in Holland, where everybody wears silly little lace caps on their head and wooden shoes. And they all live in windmills made of Edam cheese and eat tulips for breakfast and speaks some kind of weird hurdy gurdy language.

I wonder if my nanny looks a bit like this?

She shouldn't as she's a lovely Irish lady, but you never know. I hope she likes me and brings a suitable present over from Holland. She's Bunker's mom so she's bound to be lovely. MInd you I'll have to teach her to speak proper Essex before she leaves! Can't let her leave the country not talking all proper like.

Ah well, simply must have my nap!

Charlie, Dowager Duchess of Ingrave and Herongate


Today I took Bunker for a walk on the left side of the Thorndon Park golf course. We only went a little way, mind you, as I'm still training him. So instead of taking the path on the righthand side of the entrance, we went down the path to the left. I think Bunker thought we'd could walk to the woodland trust area that way, but we didn't make it down that far. Instead we played golf on the green.

Well I suppose golf is what humans like Bunker would call it. I suppose it is in a way. Somebody hits a ball or throws a stick and then they all run around after it (or as I saw this morning drive a cart after it - I mean how silly is that? Where's the fun in driving after a ball? Do you know what I mean!?)

Anyway I had a lot of fun teaching him how to play. I made him pick up a big stick and throw it as far as he could and then I showed him how to run after it and pick it up. He's a bit slow, but I think he knows how to play the game. I even made him carry a smaller stick while I carried the big stick all the way home. Funny that, this reminds me of my lovely friend Moya.

She used to live with me before I found a new home here in Ingrave village with Munker and Bunker. She came to visit two weeks ago. I'm a bit ashamed to mention it now but I never got round to telling everyone how much I enjoyed seeing her, but last week I had a bad start to the week. I got an upset tummy and had an accident on the "Home Sweet Home" mat! Munker and Bunker were very worried, so was I...

Now where was I? I seem to be a bit distracted this morning and don't want to give the impression my lovely Moya had anything to do with being a bit off colour last week...ah yes, she was good at playing golf or fetch as well. I used to love teaching her to throw sticks and run after them. Hihi, do you know she tried to outsmart me by throwing one after the other!

I'm looking forward to visiting her next month. Munker and Bunker are going away for a week and have asked Moya to be my companion for a week. That is going to be such fun, she has a lovely big garden to play in, and I can sniff the flowers in it, and we can play "golf" and go for lovely walks in the woods. See I get to go on holdiays too!


Charlotte, Dowager Duchess of Ingrave and Herongate

PS Look at the sticks Bunker and I carried home. See how small the stick he carried is!

PPS Must dash and have a little nap, walking the Bunker is quite tiring at times, Love to all!

Tuesday 28 July 2009

For my Nanny....

Happy Birthday to you,
happy birthday to you
happy birthday, dear Nanny,
happy birthday to you

Now let's all sit down and have some cake shall we?

Lotsa Love,

Dowager Duchess of Ingrave & Herongate

This week....

I have been wearing the latest fashion accessory from Topshop: a beautiful purple sequined elastic collar! Yes Munker and Bunker went to London on a shopping spree last Friday and brought me back something nice to wear.

I'm over the moon with it as you can clearly see.

Love you loads,

Charlotte, Dowager Duchess of Ingrave & Herongate

PS. By the way, it's my Nanny's birthday today.

Wednesday 15 July 2009

Charlie's fashion tips - part 2

Silly me! I was so busy telling you all about what a good cause Wagtails Rescue Essex is I completely forgot what I came here to share. Yes it's time for your weekly fashion tips & update!

You'll love what I'm wearing this week, this beautiful pink bow tie. It's very girly and I love it. So does everybody that sees me wearing it. People just start smiling when they see me walking up or down the road. I can't blame them really, it is a very becoming colour on me. Of course if your a boy, you could wear blue or any colour you like (same goes for you girls as well!)

So go on, get your Bunkers and Munkers to get you a bow tie as well. But whtever you do, do NOT do a Carrie-Ann and perch it on top of your wig!


Dowager Duchess of Ingrave and Herongate

What a far

Hello once more,

What a week I have had! We've been to visit Nanny, Bunker missed the bus and had to walk all the way up to Brentwood High Street and Sainsburys on Monday, I've taken him on some lovely walks and yesterday we've had a mexican stand-off. I hate that cat by the way! More about the moggie in another blog.

We've had a trauma with one of the tomato plants in the conservatory, it was getting too big for it's pot and god knows what else was wrong with it and my lovely friend Corinne came to visit me yesterday. It was so good to see her, she's so funny you know. She calls me The Countess - I usually have a good giggle at that. I never let on that I am in fact a Duchess, as I don't want to hurt Corinne's feelings. She loves dogs! And I love her! Her poor Homer has a limp, I hope he gets better - not that I like dogs that much, but Bunker and Munker like little Homer you know. So Homer, if you happen to read this, get well soon.

On Sunday we visited Nanny. I love her, she usually has something nice in the oven and we have the odd nibble when I'm in the kitchen and the boys are elsewhere. Bunker was attacking the Hebe while she and I sorted out Sunday lunch. Munker was treasure hunting for the boot sale we're going to do again this coming weekend. Corinne will be there as well to help raise funds for Wagtails Rescue Essex. Do come along, even if you don't buy any of our priceless antiques you can help by donating to the rescue. All donations are welcome, better yet, adopt or foster a dog. Corinne has some lovely dogs that need a new home. You never know, you might end up with your very own Bunker and Munker!

We'll be at the boot sale at Boreham Junction, where the A12 meets the A130 at Junction 19. It'll be a lot of fun and I hope we do well. After that we'll be having lunch with Nanny.

Before I go, here's a photo of me doing one of the things I love to do.
Not very ladylike I know, but it's fun, so there!

Love to all,

Dowager Duchess of Ingrave and Herongate.

Thursday 9 July 2009

The fields...

I had a divine walk this evening! Through the woods behind Herongate, and the tall grasses of the Woodland Trust meadows and the Hartswood area behind Thorndon Hall.

I love the high grasses, especially when I am allowed off the lead and I can run through them. Bunker loved it as well I could see. He was like a child skipping behind me through the grass, stopping to pick some grasses for a wildflower bouquet and of course stopping to look at every flower he sees. I even caught him eyeing some seeds when he thought I wasn't looking. I bet he'd like to sow those in his garden. Though to be homest I don't know what he sees in Achillea ptarmica, or Sneezewort as it's more commonly known. Personally I prefer grass.

He loves it when I take him for a long walk (so does Munker by-the-way, who has been known to moan if we walk for too long).

However as much as I love a nice long walk, I wish people would keep their dogs on a leash! There's nothing so annoying as walking along minding your own business and then having a dog rush up to you to stick his nose up your bum! How rude is that? Dog owners these days! I had to tell those two young pups off. I say, doesn't anybody teach their offspring manners these days? What is the world coming to? Bah!

For now, I have to leave you again, while I do not need any beauty sleep, a long nap would be nice so I can go running through the fields again tomorrow.

Love to all (except rude dogs - you know who you are),

Dowager Duchess of Ingrave & Herongate

Wednesday 8 July 2009

On coffee spills...

Nothing much exciting happened today although Munker was in a right todo when I expressed my excitement at seeing him and Bunker by wagging my lovely tail at them. I fail to see why he got so upset when my tail sent a mug of coffee flying over the floor! He'd do the same wouldn't he?

Which brings me to the question, do Munkers and Bunkers have tails? Curious minds like to know.

I'll be seeing you,

Dowager Duchess of Ingrave (and Herongate I've decided)

Ps Im off to see Nanny today, Bunker has to do some pruning.

Tuesday 7 July 2009

Charlie's fashion tips - part 1

As today has been a bit of a rainy day and this morning's walk took us all the way to the lovely Thrift Farm in Herongate, I've decided an afternoon nap is my next order of business on this soggy day. But before that I thought now - while I'm still awake - might be a good time to share my fashion sense with some of you more unfortunate creatures. For you bitches that have no dress sense at all, a few pointers might help keep up your appearances, draw attention away form areas you feel insecure about.

The must have for this season is a good scarf. They come in a range of colours and styles and my advice is to get your servants to buy you one that suits you. If like me your an Essex Bird in her prime you might consider a few sparkly bits. Or if you are more mature in years a nice pearl necklace will do the trick.

Personally I feel diamonds are more my style and I have dropped a few hints to the boys, but till they learn to pick them up...

Doesn't this lovely red and white scarf matches my complexion? As you can see it draws attention to my face, framing it so to speak. You too can look like this with a bit of effort!

Whatever you do, don't overdo it. Nobody wants to end up all dressed up like a dog's dinner now do they?

Till the next time, I'll be seeing you! Love,

Dowager Duchess of Ingrave and Herongate

Monday 6 July 2009

Today, July 6th 2009

Im afraid this morning I managed to stress Bunker out when we went for a morning stroll. For those of you who have not yet had the pleasure of making my acquintance, Bunker is one of my (humble) servants who has the pleasure of looking after me. Munker, his other half, whom I will get around to introducing to you, stayed at home to make breakfast.

As I have only recently taken up residence in the borough of Brentwood and Ingrave I felt now was the time to attend to some business I had not yet had time to get around to. I still fail to see why Bunker got so flustered. After all I did choose the most convenient place to make myself known to the general public and other residents of the lovely villages of Ingrave and Herongate.

His look of horror followed by a brisk pace down Cricketers Lane left me somewhat bewildered I must admit. From what I gather he had a sudden need for a plastic bag for some reason and was about to pop into the local post office/shop to obtain one. However it seems a minor disaster was averted when walking past the bench on the cricket green where he found one.

I was then made to rush back to the location I had left my 'making acquaintance' message to fellow residents, where the matter was handled most indiscreetly I might add. I do hope Bunker will show some modicum of discretion and understanding in the future as this is most likely to ruin my reputation. I will be taking him for another stroll within the next hour or so, weather permitting of course.

Be good,

otherwise known as the Lady Charlotte, Dowager Duchess of Ingrave and Herongate.